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New Sales Executive, Craig Riddell, Joins Data-Enhancing Software Company BaseCap Analytics

Craig Riddell joins BaseCap Analytics as Executive Director of Sales and Account Management.

May 16, 2023

BaseCap Analytics, a software company that enables 100% visibility of business data, has announced the appointment of Craig Riddell as their new Executive Director of Sales and Account Management.

NEW YORK, New York – Craig Riddell brings a wealth of experience and a proven track record of sharpening competitive advantages to the BaseCap team. As a passionate advocate for clients, Mr. Riddell will spearhead the effort to ensure they find success using BaseCap’s breakthrough data quality management platform.

Riddell has played various roles in real estate and mortgage. Consequently, he has worked with small and mid-sized companies all the way up to top-tier banks and several GSE’s. Now, Riddell will bring that experience to the task of helping customers solve their data problems using BaseCap.

Craig sees significant potential for BaseCap to help transform the market as the growing use of API’s allows more and more participants to become early adopters and push their leverage of automation. “There has typically been a small group of technology providers that carry a disproportionate percentage of the activity in mortgage,” Craig remarks, “that reality had landlocked many, but now there is expanding opportunity for best of breed providers to create seamless automated procedures and real-time data assurance.” To stay viable through these challenging conditions, all firms, large and small, must remain flexible. Offerings such as BaseCap allow for ongoing modifications to process and oversight. Indeed, Craig sees this competitive advantage as central to his strategy to grow BaseCap’s customer base.

According to Riddell, economic challenges are the time for companies to address their aged or manual inefficiencies. They should invest now in technology that will help them capitalize in the future. To that end, BaseCap’s technology allows companies to shift to, and sustain, a proactive business approach. Using the platform, businesses can address data inaccuracies before they become an issue. Already, this new approach has proved to be a game-changing tool for a number of financial institutions who utilize BaseCap today.

Craig is also excited to bring the power of BaseCap to new industries. “Any company that uses data can apply the industry-agnostic tools and capabilities of BaseCap to every data obstacle standing in their way,” he says. Particularly, industries with stringent regulation, and companies that handle sensitive, personally identifiable information, will benefit greatly from the ease, speed, and functionality of the software.

Riddell joins BaseCap at a pivotal moment. Having recently completed a Series A funding round, the technology company is accelerating its go-to-market strategy. Founders Steven Smith and Nicolas Guillen are pleased to welcome Craig to the team to lead that effort.

About BaseCap Analytics

BaseCap improves decision-making through its Platform’s ability to provide automated data validation and monitoring. With the company’s unique Catch, Collaborate, and Correct approach to data issues, they seamlessly bring together each step in the data validation and monitoring workflow, allowing for transparency between business and technical teams. Users can now accomplish in minutes what used to take weeks of manual work, all while increasing data accuracy.

BaseCap’s Platform can be found via Microsoft’s Azure Marketplace as the only Data Quality Microsoft Partner in the Microsoft FSI cloud.

Media Contact
Alec Mares
Marketing Manager