Use Case

Compliance Management

Eliminate risk, provide proof of compliance, and maintain a strong reputation among consumers and regulatory bodies.

Faster Internal Audits

When you use BaseCap to validate your data for compliance management, you can identify more risk, faster. By proactively managing these findings, you’ll reduce scrutiny by external regulators.

typical audit findings over time

Are you facing these challenges?

To pull hidden risk out of the shadows, you need an operation that connects, standardizes, and illuminates ALL your data.

Our internal audit is mostly manual
BaseCap removes human interaction from internal audit and automatically assigns areas of risk to the right remediation personnel
We only look at a sample of our documents to ensure compliance
Validate 100% of your data continuously so that you never miss potential noncompliance
The data we're auditing is housed in different systems governed by siloded departments
Connect all your teams and data by running BaseCap on top of your entire information ecosystem
Our internal audits come up with different results than external audits
Never be surprised by an external audit by deploying a solution that checks all your data, all the time
We can't sleep because we're always waiting for hidden risk to spark a fire drill
Run unlimited policies against your data all the time so you can tackle issues proactively
We're making decisions based on faulty information but we don't know why
Data health IS business health. Improve your data quality to make trusted, better-informed decisions

Take it from our clients.

Explore how one mortgage company used BaseCap to streamline their reporting to the SEC.

How confident are you in proving compliance?

It's not enough to find risk before it bites you. Heavily-regulated orgs need a paper trail to prove to external auditors that they've met strict guidelines.

In BaseCap, the paper trail extends across all your data, not just a sample, so you can sleep easy knowing you’ve discovered and documented hidden risk.

“A BaseCap client was able to reduce the amount of people and touchpoints required for an internal audit to one, greatly streamlining their processes and allowing for better resource allocation.

~ Jason Ahl, Head of Mortgage Solutions

Ready to see BaseCap in action?

Meet with one of our data quality experts to discover how our platform can address your data challenges.