Use Case

Enterprise Insight

Even the most valuable data points mean nothing if you can’t trust them. Can you be confident that all of your files and figures have been 100% vetted?

Better data, better insight, better outcomes

You don’t know what you don’t know. BaseCap is the data health tracker that illuminates all of your information for better analysis and decision-making.

box of unvalidated data showing some green squares, some red squares, and many gray squares with question marks in them next to a box of validated data where every square is either green or red.

Are you facing these challenges?

Department heads rely on each other's data, but they can never be sure of its quality. Access controls, system variation, siloes, even vocabulary can all turn your analytics into a game of telephone. If you're exhausted by these common challenges, consider BaseCap's break-through solution.

We operate dozens of systems, all critical to our day-to-day activities
BaseCap helps systems speak to other, while validating the information they exchange
We don't trust data from other departments
Fully vet and standardize departmental data in the BaseCap platform to gain 100% confidence
We're not getting the full benefit of our technical investments
Have you heard of "garbage in, garbage out"? Your most prized technology relies on quality data
Our data analysis is intensely manual, impacting time and revenue
Automate the tedious and time consuming parts of data validation to get to analysis faster
We're not decisive enough because we're doublechecking our sources
Stay ahead of competitors by leveraging continuously vetted information about your org
We rely on IT teams to make basic adjustments to our analytics engine
BaseCap is self-serve, empowering business users to "steer the ship" in real-time
mortgage servicing case study

Take it from our clients.

Find out how one mortgage servicer improved their reporting and increased their portfolio using the BaseCap Platform.

Insight you can actually trust

Stop tracking down the original source of data to validate the information you rely on. By vetting your data through BaseCap, you never have to worry about units, formats, or absent data corrupting your analysis.

“It’s like a funnel bringing all of your data into one place. With a unified view of 100% validated data, executives can feel more confident in their most important decisions.”

~ Craig Riddell, Executive Director of Sales and Account Management

Ready to see BaseCap in action?

Meet with one of our data quality experts to discover how our platform can address your data challenges.