Use Case

Checklist Automation

Enterprises using manual checklists to review and report on regulatory compliance can save thousands of hours with automation.

Speed up compliance and risk management processes

How quickly can your organization audit your data and adapt to new regulations? Download our report to learn how to modernize your compliance workflows.

“The cost of gaps in compliance processes includes avoidable errors, reputational damage, and incomplete validation. These risks expose your organization to fines, costly corrections, and expensive operations.” 

Trusted Mortgage Tech

HousingWire recognized BaseCap Analytics as a Mortgage Tech100 Honoree.

Facing these challenges?

Every loan servicer on the floor of your office checks off hundreds of boxes a week. Often, these baked-in processes are key to validating regulatory compliance or understanding the value of your loan portfolio. Seasoned lending professionals run through these checklists by memory, all while staring and comparing loan data for hours into the night. There’s a better way.

Inaccurate sampling techniques
Rapid validation of 100% of data
Checklists only applied at document milestones
Apply checklists continuously to identify issues sooner
Difficult to compare different types of data manually
Run ANY document (.pdf), database (SQL), or data set (.csv).
Fluctuation in loan volumes make it difficult to right-size
Scale up and down to handle seasonal peaks and reduce costs in valleys.
Every new regulation or change adds a new checklist
Adapt in the moment to modify your checklist processes
Can’t find the underlying data source for issues
Instantly flag data issues and view where they came from

How does BaseCap compare?

We’ll put up our streamlined solution against traditional checklist processes any day.

How automated checklists compare with manual checklist processes

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