News & Insights

Reconciliation Feature Will Allow Run-Over-Run Data Quality Checks



Feature Purpose

Users can now perform data quality checks from a run-over-run perspective. The Data Quality Manager will detect static data in fields where values should change and detect changed data in fields where values should remain the same.

Reconciliation Feature

For example, unpaid principal balances (UPB) are expected to change each time a payment is made and interest rates are expected to stay the same throughout the life of a fixed rate loan. The platform will be able to detect any inconsistencies to these types of rules.

  • Ensure specified fields or columns are dynamic and must change run over run

  • Ensure specified fields or columns are static and must NOT change run over run

  • Define logic where specified fields must change or must NOT change


    • If Col A = ‘XYZ’, Col B must NOT change

    • if Col A changes, Col B must also change

BaseCap Solves Data Quality Issues

BaseCap Analytics helps its clients ensure the quality of the data their businesses rely on. Our Data Quality Manager automates and streamlines data quality controls, providing a foundation for data initiatives.

Contact us to see how we can help with your data issues and get a demo of the Data Quality Manager.